You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2007.

Not me, but maybe you. I’ve been wearing the hell out of my Naturalizer shoes lately and my arches and pads feel great. I have also found some very cute flats but I will save that for another day. Naturalizers and Aerosoles have some great styles and they are not your granny’s shoes of yesteryear. They look stylish and cute. You guys should also know about those Cole Haan Airs I’m sure. Take a look though at some of the latest comfy cuties that I’ve seen.

Happy Belated Mums Day to everyone! I know I’ve been MIA but this is the time of year that people actually pay attention to their skin…lol. I’ve done a few shopping parties, made alot of product (body butter is big right now) and put together alot of baskets…but I’m still standing. And a benefit is that my hands are smooth! I debuted a few new products that are receiving alot of love- Crushed Cabernet Exfoliating Bar Soap and Breakfast Blend Exfoliating Bar Soap. Both are takes on the scrubs of the same name and just burst with lather, smell goodiness, and light exfoliating. Give them a try, man! Actually I have a some samples left so if you sign the comment box or send me an email at info*AT* I’ll slide you a sample. Take care yall.