You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2010.

I would love to right now but it’s not in the cards.  Maybe I can just buy this dress and twirl around in it for awhile?  Anthropologie, of course.

I don’t know if y’all saw these floating over the  net yet but Ms. Jackson is DEFINITELY doing her thing.  I don’t think she’s ever had a better hairstyle (well, besides Pleasure Principle which I’m currently seeing all over now and plus I have bang envy).  I’m in love with this makeup too.  Maybe someone can do a Face Of The Day based on this?

I said, Tracy Reese is on sale at GILT!  Who has time for fancy post names?  Tracy Reese is like the queen of dresses.  You should all be members of Gilt by now, but if not… forth!  Anyway, here are my favorites.  Sizes going fast.  BTW, I didn’t buy.  I feel guilty because I just ended my fast.  The one I’m most tempted on though, my size is gone.  God knows his children…LOL.

Let’s get it.  This is a couple that I love together.  Marriage contract, hot married chex, and lots of laughs!

I know, I know…where have you been?  What’s on sale, girl?  Who got it for cheap?  I wish I could tell you but I’m currently on a 21 day financial fast and I’m not supposed to be looking at shopping sites or perusing any stores for anything but necessities.  Now I won’t lie and tell you I’ve been a good girl all the way through but I definitely tried.  I did okay so I might have to try this again but I did realize something about myself.  I won’t buy a $1300 purse but I will spend $50 here and $100 dollars there and not even realize how I just nickel-and-dimed myself out of $1300.  No more! 

Thanks to a great blogger, Ms. Serenity23 and her band of merry maidens I now know alot more about my spending habits and therefore have the insight to fix them.  Follow along on the last few days or catch up to see how different women have felt about different chapters in the book we’re reading.  You may not think you need it because I sure didn’t but it’s definitely worth a gander.

As I said, I haven’t been 100% faithful as I took a little trip to Marshalls you know cuz I…. uhm…had to ….cuz ….like it suddenly got extremely hot and I was wearing a wool sweater and I needed a lighter shirt.  That’s an emergency, right?  Anyway, while running through the store with laser-like focus on making it to the clearance shirt section and NOWHERE ELSE….I saw that Rachel Roy purse that I was coveting awhile back

I cannot lie and tell you that I did not pick the purse up.  I also held and caressed it.  I also put it on my shoulder and looked in the mirror.  I may have even walked around the store with it for a few moments.  Then as I was about to put it back I noticed that it was $40.  Friends, that’s a $90 discount.  Friends, that’s like 70% off.  I cannot lie and tell you that I did not immediately put that purse in my cart.  Then I thought about all of the other ladies fasting looking down on me all disapproving-like with mean glares and I put it back.  Then I went back and picked it up again.  You know, just to touch it one more time.  Then I took a picture and then….I left it there. 

What has the world come to?  I’m not a saint though because I will also not lie and tell you that I left the store with just one shirt…lol but I did put that purse back.  And I feel good about it.  Even as I look at this picture.  10% of me hopes it’s there if I ever go back to the store when this fast is over.  Okay, I’m lying 25% and I am going back.  Baby steps.