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Ah so, yesterday I went on a little field trip to Michaels.  I was looking for items to jazz up my invitations a bit with belly bands and maybe some other frill.  How about it turned into a two hour deliberation fest!   I went down every single aisle at least twice.  I walk a fine line between classic and kitsch and yesterday I’m very sure I nearly crossed over to kitsch.  After being talked away from extra bright floral paper for belly bands by Tresvant, I ended up with some nice 65lb weight paper in a hot pink that matched the accents on our invite.  Then I went a lil cuckoo and just had to buy a decorative punch because I obviously think I have way more time than I do to get these invites out…lol!  Here’s my cart at Michaels though.  Notice the flower…guess who decided to make herself a lil frill for her hair?!  I also picked up a great mason jar because I’m about to go mason jar crazy on my reception tables. 

Anyway, today I spent my lunch break cutting up my belly bands and punching out some frill.  I’m so super excited about how great this is all going to looked and maybe a little too self-satisfied. 

Take a look at my test run.  Isn’t this beautiful from the front?  Well take a look at the back?  FAIL!   I can’t even be mad…looks like I’m either going to just belly band the RSVP card/envelope or scrap this whole retarded project.  LALALALALALA.  It’s less than 60 days til my wedding yall!  :0(

Let’s end on a positive note though…here’s my easy peasy possible hair flower.  All I did was pick a frilly flower that I liked, take it apart and glue it back together without using the filler so it’d be flat.  I added a some beading I already had at home (most likely will make it more ornate) and then glued it to the comb.  The glue that I used wasn’t the best, I’m going to have to reglue the comb but again…positivity…here’s my hair flower (maybe).   I know I can’t be the only one to have Project FAILs all over the place…I hope.